Lok Mun Law says
Aaron Yap says
no, drowned
Lok Mun Law says
is uq under the water?
Aaron Yap says
Lok Mun Law says
under the sea~ under the sea~
Aaron Yap says
its river
and u damn lame
Lok Mun Law says
how do u live?
Aaron Yap says
eating edible food
Lok Mun Law says
where u buy?
Aaron Yap says
so i can get the essential nutrition in my body
breathing air that has an appropriate concentration on oxygen
so my body can metabolize food
Lok Mun Law says
where u buy that edible food?
Aaron Yap says
thus getting energy for me to maintain my "living"
grocery stores
Lok Mun Law says
wow i tot they would run out of stock or something
u row boat?
Aaron Yap says
your a fucking idiot aren't you? =_=
i went sarcasm for so long
and u still thought i am telling the truth
and u ask dumb questions
like seriously?
Lok Mun Law says
as long as ur okay
Aaron Yap says
my place is not affected
i went grocery shopping before the flood came
my place is near the river
but at high ground
thats simple answer >_>
and who the hell row boat to buy groceries
at that condition, who the hell will open for u to get groceries
Lok Mun Law says
haha maybe i am being sarcastic
who knows
Aaron Yap says
then u extremely deserve to get scolded by me
Lok Mun Law says
Aaron Yap says
not in the mood now
try talking to me on the weekends
Lok Mun Law says
I dunno why I just felt like sharing this. Not to say that I'm completely innocent but... erm I guess I'm lost for words.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
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