在这一个繁忙的社会, 往往想停一步吸口气放松一下都难.
但最让人痛苦的一见件事, 就是听人家讲废话.
Okay typing Chinese is really damn hard so I resort to just finish this post with a mix of Chinese and English. What I hate most (and there is such a person in my family which means I will have to deal with his crap until either one of us leaves the house or dies) is people talking 废话. By 废话 I don't mean those crap that makes you chuckle or something. There are surely many types of 废话, I am no expert in analyzing how many types there are but I can surely differentiate them into 2 categories, the ones that makes you ROFLMAO and the ones that annoys the shit out of you. Unfortunately, today I had to deal with the 2nd 废话.
Okay let's use my brother as a subject. So once he went to the toilet, and then he realized the light was not switched off, and he presumed that I was the one who didn't turn it off (I'm sure he had done 1000^793494 times forgetting to switch off the lights but I'm just too lazy to deal with his shit and start a fight with him so I'll usually let him be, but this is another topic to be discussed so I'll move forward to today's topic about 废话). Then he went and confronted me about the toilet light because his life is too free and he wanted to start a fight or something.
So now the 废话 comes in. He asked me 'why do you always forget to switch off the lights?' Can anyone tell me how to reply to this 废话? I surely couldn't, so I kept silent. And then came another shot of 废话. 'Why do I not hear a reply?'
Mad stupid I wanna smack his face. He was actually expecting a fucking answer from his 废话!!!! Actually if you interpret (it's a no brainer) his 1st 废话, he had already answer the question by himself.
'Why do you always forget to switch off the lights?'
This is the problem of our society I tell you! The pollution has made our lungs so full of crap and we started to crap 废话 out! Okay I don't know how to end this post already, so I'll just embed a video about 废话lization.
Done~ 1 more paper and I'll be a free man =)))
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
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